Hebrew Wizards
TEL 203-249-4036
Hebrew Wizards Where the magic of learning continues...
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About Us

Hebrew Wizards is a fresh and innovative Hebrew School & Congregation that intertwingles the spirit of summer camp with the concrete learning of religious school. Our team-teaching and team-learning approach has been an extremely effective method as we engage our Teen Wizards to teach and work with our students. Music and singing are important ingredients for building team spirit and student participation. Monthly Color War games reinforce what we have learned and add to the excitement and team spirit of the program. Our Bible plays to re-tell stories of our Matriarchs and Patriarchs make our tactile approach, to Torah, an interactive experience.

Our in class service "Pray with the Wizards", during Tefillah time, connects the students spiritually as we review our traditional prayers and sing songs. The children then become familiar with the prayers as they practice their Hebrew reading and learning to pray. Our B-Mitzvah program, our highlight, prepares students to understand the true meaning of becoming a Jewish adult, as they become a daughter/son of the commandments.

What makes a Wizards B-Mitzvah service so special is that each student recites their prayers and includes what each prayer means to them. They also work hard at creating a Mitzvah project with their class and finding clever way to "give back" to our community. This experience culminates in a beautiful service including; traditional Songs and Prayer, Poems, Spiritual Words, Torah Readings and interpretations accompanied with some wonderful popular American songs. Our service is truly special and students feel their success and fulfillment as they dedicate themselves to Judaism as young Jewish Teens.

We don't have traditional classrooms, we don't use tables and chairs, we rarely us books, and we don't assign homework. Our comfortable atmosphere allows the Hebrew Wizards students to enjoy "Camp" during the school year to "excite and educate" as they learn everything they need to know about being Jewish. Our goal is to have them feel proud and successful as they embrace their Jewish education uniquely. Being a Wizard is about Jewish learning, feeling good about each other, singing songs, creating "Ruach", making a difference in our community, connecting spiritually with G-d and instilling the love of Judaism.

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Hebrew Wizards is a not for profit 501(c)3 organization.

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